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Building Self Esteem For Women And Girls: Tap Into Your Feminine Power By Putting Your Needs First

By Adrian M. Felton

Adolescence can be a turbulent time for young ladies and building self esteem in teenage girls can seem like a daunting task. However, there are several things that one can do to help young women see themselves in a better light. Here are 10 helpful suggestions for building self esteem in teenage girls.Let them know that they do not have to compete with super models. If you watch television you would think that everyone is thin, pretty, and full of poise. In reality, the world is made of people with many imperfections. This is a good subject to discuss with your teen at any time.

Whatever the cause, and what ever the situation you find your self in, you can turn your self-esteem around. Just like any muscle in the body, the right coaching plan will strengthen your self love, esteem and respect in no time.My top 7 tips to Developing solid self esteem are,Make a note of all the negative messages you have about yourself, your body, your worth, potential and limitations - and determine where they came from. Keep in mind that some messages may have been simply absorbed on an unconscious level i.e. we may have picked up self esteem patterns from our mothers or other female in the home.Now go burn that list and never look back.Create a new list - full of all your best traits, experiences, abilities, and any compliments you've received.

You cannot stop classmates from teasing your teenage girl. However, you can discuss the matter with her. If you think that your teen is being harassed it is important to do something about it. This kind of thing can wreak havoc with confidence at this age. Let your teen know that people with the most inner problems do the most teasing to draw attention away from themselves. This may not be the solution, but it may help her to understand others a little better. In any manner, take these matters seriously and seek out school officials if you must.If you are thinking about building self esteem in teenage girls, encourage them to write a diary or journal. Let them know that no one else will be reading it, and it is vital to respect their privacy. When a girl sits and writes about her problems, it provides an outlet for many frustrations. It also gives her a chance to come back later and closely examine her thoughts, desires, fears, and private feelings.Teach your teen the importance of confidence and not taking what others think too seriously. You cannot fix everything that is wrong with her. In fact, that is the last thing that she probably wants. She wants someone to love, care for, and understand her. She wants someone to be on her side no matter what. When building self esteem in teenage girls, this is something that you as a parent can do.

You may need to spend more time with your young lady. It does not have to cost a lot of money. Maybe you can walk together in the evenings. Walking is great exercise and it gives you the chance for some one on one conversation. Simply tell her that you need to start walking and you would like to have some company when you walk. Do not insinuate that the walking is for her benefit. Simply tell her that you need a walking buddy.When building self esteem in teenage girls try learning something new with her. Maybe you want to study a foreign language or learn how to play chess. The time together can be very therapeutic for both of you.

Be spiritually aware by developing your connection to what you believe in. Take time to relax in nature and re-charge your batteries. Nurture your soul with beauty, peace and love.Putting your needs first is not an act of selfishness, but rather healthy self love and respect. When a woman puts her needs first, she commands respect and appreciation. If you have old patterns of giving in, thinking about the needs of others, denying yourself any fun and pleasure - did those feelings make you feel good? Did you feel resentful and unappreciated?When you give to yourself, you do only feed your spirit, but you fill the reservoirs of your love and in doing so you can love others too.

It is very common for girls to hit their teenage years and suddenly become less outgoing and motivated, while lacking self-esteem and confidence. It is a worrying time for parents who want their daughter to feel good about themselves and their achievements.Research suggests that girls with low self-esteem have self-concepts that are confused, self-contradictory and inconsistent. This is concerning, because forming an identity is one of the most important tasks for adolescents, and it is extremely important for girls to know who they are, what they are good at, and what they believe in. Girls who form a good and strong identity have increased confidence and ability to deal with peer pressure, disappointment and change.

33% of girls age 9-12 think they are overweight and that 60% of those same girls are on a diet. 57% of girls are fasting, on a diet or are smoking in order to lose weight. What is the result? Well, 50%-70% of girls with normal weight think they are overweight. They are also many other statistics on girls and teenagers who are suffering of low self esteem using drugs and alcohol. As a parent, for me this is very alarming. These are real issues that we have to address but what can we do? What kind of help is there for overcoming low self esteem? The number one thing we can do is to make sure they know we love them and we provide them with affection. If they know we love them, then they will trust us and will be more likely to talk to us when a difficult situation in their like arise. As part of raising your children, you must instill 2 traits in your children. Make sure your children have people skills. People skills are not thought in school.

My "Mental Me", the story of who I thought I was, worked overtime. It was a mean girl voice from my childhood still haunting me, one that came from my perception of the rejection I felt from home, standards of those around me, or from comparing myself to others and playing small.You see we store memories at the cellular level - this is scientific fact. It was really cruel, and ironically, the thing is, I was not particularly mean to other girls. You see at heart, I'm very sensitive about not overtly hurting others. Yes, I have clear boundaries and will say no when I want to, but bullying was never a weakness of mine.Yet, I "bullied" myself often with "not good enough, not worthy or not pretty enough" all the time. Well, thank goodness for my determined spirit and the realization that the true essence of me, is not the same as what I "think" about me. I learned that I was not my thought and now neuroscience supports that fact that we can stop negative self-talk as we learn how to recognize these stories for what they are - FEAR; Fictitious Evidence Affecting Reality is my acronym for it.

We are able to release this cellular memory and I'm so grateful to know how to do this for myself and to be able to teach my clients how to do the same. Having weaknesses and making mistakes is a part of the human experience. Weakness is just a challenge for you to evolve and grow stronger through.What you do is not the same as who you are. It's time to stop beating ourselves up and just see life as a process of unfolding. I'm like a beautiful garden, growing my various flowers of gifts and talents. This is just a new way for many to start to view the process of growth and development instead of judging self and others by some self-defeating paradigm. This paradigm's time has come to be evolved into extinction. "Survival of the fittest and lack" from a competitive, judging, lack conscious way, is outdated and is being replaced by "survival by adaptability" and abundance.Nurturing your Self and getting clear about a strong, powerful self-image and self-esteem, can give you the peace of mind, and ultimately health, happy relationships and business success that is at the heart of a life well lived. What do you think?

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