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Mind Training Begins With Understanding Your Subconscious Mind

By Lawrence S. Layton

Since the subconscious mind is always in control of our behavior (in the long run) it seems crucial that we understand how it operates. Successful mind training requires that knowledge. Creating a happy, successful, fear free life also requires it. Here are some basic concepts that should be helpful.

Most basically, the mind is the process that take place within the brain. Through our conscious mind we are aware of many of those functions - the five basic senses, the ability to think and talk and move our body parts. We read and learn and feel emotions and so on. The subconscious mind, however, hides most of its activities from us, hence its name, which means below awareness.

Take the example of a hot kettle. The subconscious mind will tell you that it is hot and so you won't touch it. If the subconscious mind didn't work, we would all be making the same mistakes.The subconscious mind is also capable of doing several things at once. This is something that the conscious mind cannot.Another example to illustrate the power of the unconscious mind is car driving. When you drive, you don't think and make decisions. You make spontaneous decisions and they are usually right.

In our daily lives, we often use the unconscious mind. You can also use it to achieve goals. Only thing is you need to program it to work the way you want.Every thing you perceive goes to the unconscious mind as well as the conscious part. However, the subconscious mind doesn't know what is real and what is imagined. It is also capable of thinking only literally. It doesn't understand humor and emotions.

Thankfully, that isn't the case in manufacturing and cooking, and there's no reason why it should be in life either. If there's a particular thing you'd like to do with your life, then make it a point to speak to someone who has already done it. If you can't get in touch with them, then read everything you can about them, or study their career. Do everything in your power to follow the path that they created for themselves. If there's something you'd rather do differently, you can always veer off, but there is no need to insist on being a pioneer to get to the same place someone else already has.You don't have to stop being your own person to follow a blueprint for success. Having a plan that is already proven successful will allow your subconscious mind to work on the nuts and bolts of following the plan rather than designing its own plan. The closer you can get your subconscious mind to the heart of the matter, the better.It begins with starting down the right road.Tell your subconscious mind that you mean business. If you were to combine a deadline with the accountability factor, you'd give yourself no choice but to accomplish your goal.A deadline tells your subconscious mind that there is an urgent matter at hand, and it must be taken care of immediately. Your mind will feel the importance of the matter, and will make all the necessary adjustments to be sure that the proper attention is given to solving this problem, which it understands to be the most pressing.Even if it isn't the most important thing going on in your life, a deadline will keep your mind working on it, until it's met.The amazing thing about the subconscious mind is it does whatever it takes to accomplish the things that you ask it to. Attaching a deadline to a particular goal simply increases the rate at which the subconscious mind works, without you even realizing it.

Always think of success, joy, prosperity and abundance. To be successful in life, it is essential to have positive and stimulating thoughts.Everything you want can be achieved by using the power of your mind. However, it is essential to take the right steps. Repeat positive affirmations on a daily basis and enjoy the feeling of success.

Remember, all of us have an immense potential. However, only a few of us utilize that potential to the full and come up in life.A strong desire to succeed plays a pivotal role in unleashing the potential of the total mind.Would you like to learn a formula for Manifesting Money?Manifesting money requires a formula and without that formula your efforts will be met with lots of failure. Learn how its done.

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