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Positive Sayings And Quotes

By Robert L. Campanelli

The use of positive affirmations in New Age Thinking is in abundant practice. Our thoughts, either positive or negative, are in a sense an affirmation. These thoughts create and reinforce our beliefs. It is our belief system that creates our personality and makes us who we are. In order to grow and improve ourselves, we must change our limiting beliefs.

When you find some great positive sayings and quotes, write them down and repeat them over and over to yourself. It is a great way to start every day by reading the sayings that you have written down.We all know that our thoughts become things. Before anything is created, it is first a thought in someone's mind. Nothing has ever been created without the thought was there as inspiration.

To drive the affirmation home, you may want to repeatedly say it to yourself while looking in a mirror. By looking yourself in the eye and saying the affirmation with passion, the effect on you is dramatically increased.Affirmations do work. By repeatedly using positive words in your thoughts and verbalizing positive statements,you gradually chip away at your core beliefs. Changing your belief system, changes you.Choosing positive thinking quotes, positive sayings and other encouragement quotes can be fun when you know a few simple tricks to making them fit for you. This article gives you three tips for choosing which positive quotes are good quotes that find happiness inside and are the best ones for you.

Some of the most inspirational positive sayings and quotes, have been spoken by people who have achieved what they wanted t do. Henry Ford was a great believer that he could make a motor vehicle (as it became know). The Wright brothers had the idea for the aeroplane. It had never been done before but here were two bicycles mechanics that had the idea of flight.

What do people like this have in common? They maintain a positive thought pattern. They never let there thoughts become negative. If something did not work they would figure out another way.If you find the works of Henry David Thoreau, you may like to look on the internet for some of his most positive sayings and quotes. I personally like the one below.So if you have not read a lot of positive sayings and quotes, this is a great time to start.As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

So, you'll want to make it easy to absorb your positive sayings, positivity quotes and overall good quotes in such a manner that you don't even see them. One of my favorite ways of doing this is to play them as subliminal messages over my stereo so my subconscious hears them all the time. Another way is to get some good positive thinking quotes on postcards or posters and hang them up on your walls so you're "physically infused with positivity" from all around you. Or, having a good screen saver on your computer that shows quotes on positive thinking all day long would be great too. My point is to find some way to "infuse yourself" enough to get fully saturated with hope quotes and positive attitude quotes so your energy "invisibly" shifts to being more positive.

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