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Self Esteem And Self Confidence

By Maria A. Horton

People who have self-confidence believe in themselves and feel that they are capable of achieving what they want in life, or dealing with any situation that they may have to face. They have an aura of self-confidence and self-assurance, which is apparent to others. People like to spend time with them; they feel comfortable and secure in their presence.In contrast, there are many people who are reasonably talented, but who lack self-confidence. These people are victims of the several myths that surround self-confidence.

One of the foremost myths about self-confidence is that people are born with self-confidence. It is a quality that cannot be acquired. Nothing can be farther from truth. Self-confidence, like other skills, can be built. All that you need is right guidance and a belief in yourself.There are others who blame their low self-confidence to their lack of good looks and poor upbringing. They don't realize that self-confidence has nothing to do with their looks. It is a reflection of one's confidence. The only way they can overcome this myth is by learning to believe in themselves. In fact, talent and self-confidence are not inter-related.

We all need this sense of certainty in the things we attempt to do. Certainty makes us feel confident in our ability to deal with a situation. Without certainty we tend to hesitate as we are unfamiliar with what might happen. As human beings we ALL need a sense of certainty. If you lack that sense of certainty you will remain immobilized by your own lack of confidence.

I must admit that I was one of those people who firmly believed that one gets born with confidence. I mean, have you ever seen someone who is really self confident and truly self assured. They just seem so in control and so alive; as if nothing can stop them. Is this a 'given' or is it something you learn? The truth is that either way, we all want it and you probably can't ever have enough of it. Only after investing in a good self confidence program did my perception of self confidence start to change - and thankfully so.Self confidence is nothing but a state of mind. It's an attitude and something that can be learned. Think about it - when you actually feel self confident it's only a feeling isn't it? It does not rely on anything outside yourself, but relies solely on the process of though and on how you organize ideas and response in your mind.

To be a confident person, ACT like a confident person. Think of someone who appears to be brimming with confidence and BE like them.Ask yourself: "What can I do to feel more confident?" Choose one thing you can do today to increase your feelings of Self-Confidence and do it. Take the first step. "A journey of 1000 miles..."Look your best - even if you work at home, even if you're a stay-at-home mom, even if there doesn't appear to be any real reason to care about your appearance. It's a way to respect yourself and you'll be ready to answer the door when opportunity knocks.

Because belief is just a thought you keep thinking, keep thinking thoughts such as: "I AM a confident person. I radiate Self-Confidence. I project an aura of Self-Confidence." Think and FEEL these kinds of affirmations and your Self-Confidence will go through the roof! Focus on what you love and appreciate and value about yourself. Once you get focused on your positive aspects, you'll realize how great you truly are! Notice when you DO feel confident. Maybe someone gave you a compliment, thanked you for a job well done, asked you for a date. FEEL the satisfaction, the pleasure, the confidence. The more you FEEL it, the more Self-Confidence will become your dominant vibration.

In contrast, people who lack self-confidence are afraid of failure. This fear prevents them from taking on new tasks. They constantly pine for the approval of others, and when they don't get it they end up losing their self-confidence.What is apparent is the lack of understanding. People must realize that self-confidence is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon a person's beauty or looks. It flows from a person's self-belief, and this belief can be built.All that a person needs to do is to debunk myths that self- confidence cannot be acquired or that self-confidence is a byproduct of exceptional knowledge, skills and luck. Once they do so, they will find it easier to acquire the same magnetic powers that self-confident people have.

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