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The Law Of Attraction - The Secret To Successful Life

By Diane C. Kuhn

According to the law of attraction you will get what you think about. If you think in a negative way, bad things will happen; if you think positively good things will happen. It can be taken even further by attributing all the good or bad things that happen to us to the way we think. Wikipedia gives an example of someone receiving an envelope in the mail. Positive thought will produce a check, negative thought will produce a bill.Does the law of attraction work in this way? I don't think so: whatever is in the envelope is in the envelope. It's your attitude to what the envelope contains that makes the difference. A negative person will focus on the fact they cannot afford to pay the bill; a positive person will focus on ways to pay the bill. They will decide what action they can take to get the money to pay the bill. This will attract positive, constructive thoughts that will eventually lead to a solution. That is the way law of attraction works.

Most people spend their waking hours in the mind state of beta, which keeps them from accessing and growing their inner power. In beta, your mind is bombarded with never ending thoughts. Beta is known as the logical and restrictive mind. High levels of beta are associated with stress related symptoms such as feelings of being overwhelmed, sleeping problems, and aches. When you are trying to make the law of attraction work for you, it is to your great advantage to focus on your goals when you are deeply relaxed. Why is a relaxed mind important? A mind that is filled with stress (emotional or physical) cannot easily transfer new positive mental pictures to the sub-conscious mind.

The danger is, we can be led to believe all we have to do is to sit around thinking good, positive thoughts and our success development would be assured. In fact, our life would be full of only good things happening to us and we would achieve our goals almost without our doing anything. Does anyone really believe that? The only people I know of who have power, wealth or the good things of life without doing anything are those born into it. The rest of us have to work at it.Have you noticed how successful people talk and act? They generally have a confident, can-do attitude. It is not that they have not had to deal with plenty of challenges or they do not recognize the future challenges. It is simply that they have decided to meet these challenges positively with the expectation they will overcome them and succeed.

It is not important to remember the details of the different mind states. The important point is to become aware that you can use the powers of these deeper levels of your mind to create a better world for yourself and for others.Ancient wisdom teachers, such as shamans and alchemists, teach that we are part physical and part spiritual beings. In other words, each of us has a spiritual counterpart. We all have a Higher Self, a higher force that always is trying to help us evolve and grow our personal power. It is through our higher selves that we get the guidance we need to live deeply happy lives, to make wise financial decisions, to heal our bodies, to choose partners for our highest good and to get insights on difficult life decisions.

While the Law of Attraction is true, without inner power, our ability to make the law of attraction work will be limited. Without enough personal power, we have difficulty understanding inner guidance that continually communicates with us in attempts to help us achieve powerful results. The importance of inner power is often misunderstood or undervalued. It not only will help you make the law of attraction work for you, it will help you transcend ordinary living. It is not an exaggeration to say that much of the suffering and difficulties people have in life is due to a lack of personal power.Whether you desire to manifest concrete goals, such as a new job or house, or abstract goals, such as greater intuition, the more inner power you have, the greater your capability will be to achieve what you set out to accomplish with speed and ease. Manifesting your desires, healing, and creating miracles are real possibilities, and indeed, probabilities, when you connect with your personal power.

These laws are set in stone so to speak and cannot be changed or altered in anyway, they apply to everyone and everything and are always at work whether we are aware of it or not.Among these universal laws is the law of attraction which states that we can attract that which we desire into our lives through the power of our thoughts and quite literally become the masters of our own destiny, or as Napolean Hill once quoted the "the captains of our souls".In essence the law of attraction attracts to you that which you desire most and that which you focus your thoughts on most!

But on the other hand, you likely have this deep feeling that a desire for money is evil. That rich people have somehow taken advantage of somebody, somewhere along the way. That they are somehow dishonest. After all, doesn't the Bible teach that the love of money is the root of all evil?Well, let's take a look at this from an economic perspective. Forget about morality or religion or anything like that. Let's just take a look at the basic mechanics of money and human action.

There are only five ways to get money. You can find it, receive it as a gift, steal it, print it or earn it. I'm going to assume that when you meditate or visualize the LOA, you aren't stealing, finding, being given, or printing money. You are earning it somehow. You are trading your skills or products for cash.Now, let's consider the basics of human trade. We only trade things when we think we are getting the better end of the deal. When you buy a hamburger for a dollar, you actually think the hamburger is worth more to you than the dollar. Otherwise, you wouldn't make the exchange. That would be like changing a dollar for a dollar, which would be silly.

Action is imperative when given an opportunity. I've known people who have given me excuses for why they can't do something. For example, I knew someone who really wanted to attend counseling. The only problem was that his depression was keeping him from working as hard as he used to and that was keeping him short of cash, hence a vicious cycle. He couldn't afford the counseling that could help him work more efficiently that could enable him to afford counseling. He stumbled on a counselor offering free sessions as they were just starting out. He could receive counseling helping the counselor to move forward and helping himself to get back on his feet. Yet he didn't take action. This gets us nowhere. Action is imperative!

So although not directly related to manifesting your desires through thoughts as the law of attraction states, but you can see the closely related theorem of your actions and thought processes literally morphing into physical entities, meaning you're attracting into your life that which you are giving out.It was in the nineteenth century that the law of attraction had made its presence in the Western hemisphere where people had started to understand and treasure the power of maintaining a positive attitude and positive thought processes and had started applying this new found knowledge in their own lives.So it's clear that the law of attraction had been referenced and practiced long before any new age movements started to surface. Many wise men including the Monks understood that mans belief can directly impact their path of fate as well as the journey they would take in order to reach their final destination!

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