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10 Timeless Blogging Tips

By Scott Shimberg

Here are 10 timeless blogging tips to help you improve style and substance, straight from the pens of humanity's finest authors.

1. Cut the boring parts - "I try to leave out the parts that people skip." ~ Elmore Leonard

There's no point in publishing content that isn't useful, interesting, or both.

2. Eliminate unnecessary words - "Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very." ~ Mark Twain

People use terms like "really", "actually", or "extremely" because they believe it creates the words more forceful. It doesn't.

3. Write with passion - "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." ~ William Wordsworth

If you're not excited about your writing no one else will be.

4. Paint a picture - "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

Simply stating something is fine, but when you need to capture attention, using similes, metaphors, and vivid imagery to paint a picture creates a powerful emotional response.

5. Keep it simple - "Vigorous writing is concise." ~ William Strunk, Jr.

It is most effective to express yourself in the easiest possible manner.

6. Do it for love - "Write without pay until somebody offers to pay." ~ Mark Twain

When you're just starting out it's hard to decide where to begin. Just start writing. The most valuable benefit is the feedback.

7. Learn to thrive on criticism - "You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance."~ Ray Bradbury

Learn to make the most of the insults and distrust the praise.

8. Write all the time - "Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things, you're doomed." ~ Ray Bradbury

You need to agree to writing daily, if not you shouldn't have a blog.

9. Write what you know or what you want to know - "Learn as much by writing as by reading." ~ Lord Acton

It makes sense to write about your area of expertise. If you don't have one, reading and writing is the best way to develop one.

10. Be unique and unpredictable - "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. "~ Oscar Wilde

Following what works will only get you so far. Experiment with new styles, even if it means taking criticism.

These particular experts were penning these views from the 18th - 20th century. Each morsel of advice is simply as appropriate in the 21st century as it was in their time.

Until the next time

Scott and Heidi

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