anti stress

The Single Most Important Reason To Let Go

By Evan Sanders

"Don't be afraid to let go. Every new adventure begins with the ending of another." - The Better Man Project

Why are we all so frightened to let go of things in our life?

Because we don't think we will find something better.

We believe somewhere deep down that what we had is "it" for us and that we won't be able to find something that replaces what once was.

But when you really look at it, we live in a world full of "one thing ending and another thing replacing it." It's just our minds that keep us stuck always thinking about things that happened in the past. It's our minds that keep us out of living in the present moment.

If it's someone you had to walk away from, at one point in your life there was someone before them who you had to heal from.

Then that new person came in and healed the wounds you were carrying.They soothed the pain that was turning you inside out.

And if the relationship you get into ends...another will come after that.

And another...

Eventually, someone will come into your life who refuses to let you go. They will want to be with you forever and will fight for you when you need to be fought for and support you when you need to be supported.

And how great of a day that will be.

So until then, be gentle with yourself and know that the universe has a wonderful way of giving you exactly what you need to grow.

Life gives you exactly what you need vs. what you want.

It might not always be the prettiest lesson in the world, but it's exactly what you need in order to grow and move forward with your life.

You will always learn and always grow if you stay open and willing to experience everything that life has to offer you.

That's a happy life. That's one of fulfillment.

Always trust your path.

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